Is Gambling Unchristian

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Is gambling a christian sin

10 reasons you can’t be a Christian and vote for Donald Trump One cannot really love Jesus and wish to follow him and also vote for a person who so clearly embodies the opposite of everything. Lotteries are legal in 43 states. “That’s more than $230 for every man, woman, and child in those states — or $300 for each adult,” reports The Atlantic. “Christ does not build his church on the backs of the poor.” I agree with the report that this is a great shame on our nation.

Regular playing cards are not as innocent as some people would like to believe. I believe that they are used by Satan to seduce people into other activities. I also believe that they will cause a Christian to lose his love for Jesus and his desire to live for Him. Some of the most common places you will find a deck of cards (besides our homes) will be with prostitutes, gamblers, thieves, murderers, in taverns, brothels, prisons, insane asylums, gambling dens, etc., but never at a prayer meeting. Just recently I ran across an article by J.D. Carlson dealing with this subject, and I am going to share it with you.

J.D. Carlson

I am giving this message on card playing because I have been asked by several people to deal with this topic. For millions of people the card game has a strong and a strange fascination. Where ever you go you see people playing cards. On my missionary journey, as I fly, I often see people playing cards by the hour.

I would remind you today that cards have always been looked upon with suspicion by good and godly people. My mother felt so bad when my dad, who was a wonderful man, said he saw no harm in card playing and introduced it to our home. My father said he saw no harm at all in card playing.

People ask me, 'What really is the difference between playing a game of checkers and a game of cards?' Well, there is an ocean of difference between the two games and I will endeavor to show you why.

The Church in days gone by took its stand against the card game; ministers preached against it and big bonfires were built as people burned their playing cards.

Dr. Talmadge, as great a minister as ever served the Presbyterian denomination, said he would rather have his children play with a nest of rattlesnakes than with a deck of cards. Of course this was years ago. Today and for many years the Church and the pulpit have been silent in speaking against card playing.

This is interesting! The first deck of cards was invented by King Charles of France in the year 1392. King Charles was an insane man, by the way.

Now you perhaps have never heard this - so notice carefully what I am going to say. A deck of cards used to be called, 'The Devil's Bible' and in the Seventeenth Century it was called, 'The Devil's Picture Book'. This is very important for us to know. Each card in the deck has a special meaning. Men who know tell me this is true, the cards have a secret language. Here is what I mean.

The KING card represents the Prince of Darkness - The Devil

The 10 SPOT speaks of the spirit of lawlessness. It speaks in opposition to themoral lawas found in the Ten Commandments in the Bible.

Then the CLUB card represents violence and murder.

The JACK speaks of the loose living man, the lustful man, the licentious individual who only lives to satisfy his lower nature.

The QUEEN card represents Mary - the mother of our Lord. In the language of the cards, however, Mary is represented as an impure, dissolute, immoral woman.

There is the JOKER. It represents Jesus Christ.

But, also, the climax of all that is diabolical in connection with the language of cards is this: Jesus Christ, the joker, is said to be the child, the offspring, of the licentious Jack and the Queen. I wish I didn't have to tell this. It is so vile, so dreadful in its implication, that every man and woman who loves and adores the Saviour who died to redeem us with His own blood must cry out in protest against such blasphemy.

So every card in the deck has a secret meaning, and all alike are teaching opposition to God and His sacred Word. After what has been said about the Jack, the Queen, and the Joker, there is no need of further exposure of the card language.

Let me ask you a question: 'Why don't people when they play cards first ask God to bless their card game?' Can you do that? Of course you cannot. Well, the Bible said, 'Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him' (Colossians 3:17)

Remember that nine-tenths of all gambling is done with cards. Also, remember that nine-tenths of those who gamble today learned to play cards at home.

No Christian should play cards. Surely no Sunday School teacher should play cards. The Bible said, 'Touch not the unclean thing' (II Corinthians 6:17) As far as I am concerned I would not allow the 'Dirty Deck' to desecrate my Christian home and tarnish my testimony.

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Is gambling a christian sin

Gambling is one of America’s favorite pastimes, at least when those activities are measured by revenue. The billions of dollars spent by gamblers far exceeds the billions paid for movie tickets, music recordings and the sales of the top fast-food chains from McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s and Starbucks combined. Americans gamble freely. Many gamblers don’t think gambling is morally wrong. Is it appropriate for Christians to gamble according to God? We can turn to the Bible for our answers.

Believers in Christ should not take part in gambling – it breaks several biblical principles which are central to a Christian’s way of life. A Christian lifestyle is one that expresses faith in loving care and provision of Almighty God, not in chance or luck. The Bible tells us, “But seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). Our call as Christians is to love thy neighbor, not to profit a loss by someone else. Our call as Christians is also to avoid every form of greed and covetousness and to be content what we have. The Bible also says, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” As Christians, we are to realize that everything we possess has been given in stewardship by God and should only be used in a way that honors God.

Is Gambling A Christian Sin

It’s important to make distinctions between what gambling is and what it isn’t. “Signing up” or registering for a free gift is not gambling. This simply puts a person in a position to receive something that is to be given away, and this is the donor’s way of selecting the recipient. However, in the case of gambling, a person is taking chances with hard-earned money.

Gambling also has major side effects which can aid in separation from God. Gambling can destroy lives in many countless ways. Gambling addictions are becoming more and more commonplace nowadays. With mega-gambling casinos throughout the world, the popularity of online gambling and poker playing, gambling problems have become a major addiction of this era. Gambling addictions and gambling addiction problems are severe addictions that have many consequences for the life of a gambler and his or her family. A gamblers addiction can progress rapidly, resulting in emotional, financial and social devastation in ways that can be considered irreparable. A person who struggles with gambling addiction should seek help immediately.

The gambling industry is also immoral. The gambling industry refers to organizations that sponsor and benefit from gambling. Those that sponsor gambling include casinos, lotteries, bingo parlors and other places where gambling is permitted. What is wrong with running such institutions and what is wrong with benefiting from gambling? Often, we are told that gambling is good because it raises money for good social causes. Because the excess money from state lotteries supports the state education system, some say that gambling is an investment in our children. Because the casinos are often willing to a pay a percentage of their earnings in local communities, which use the funds to fight crime, some argue that gambling is good because it makes a positive contribution to society and even lowers taxes. In other words, the end justifies the means and the motive excuses the act. But the true is, gambling is morally wrong.

The first reason it’s wrong is because it is motivated by greed. The goal of gambling institutions is to get lots of money quickly and they accomplish their goal well; gambling is a lucrative business. Notice that the goal of the gambling industry is not merely to get money; any businessman has that goal. Because he needs money to live. But the goal of the gambling industry is to get lots of money quickly, without providing a beneficial service or a sound product in return. It manifest covetousness, which God’s law forbids (Exodus 20:17), and the love of money, against which God’s Word also warns us. The Bible tells us, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).

Ultimately, compulsive gambling is a sin. Few sincere, Bible-believing Christians would disagree with this. That is, gambling is sinful for those who are addicted to it. You are putting the love, desire and thrill of making big money over God which is idolatry.

Compulsive gamblers sin by wasting time. Gambling is for them such an addiction, that most or all of their spare time is spent gambling in one form or another. Weekends and vacations are taken up with trips to cities that have casinos. The more addicted to gambling a person becomes, the more likely he or she is to neglect their job and family and to focus exclusively on gambling. They also sin by wasting money and possessions. Any money on hand they will use in gambling. They will sell or pawn off their belongings to get more money with which to gamble. And when their resources are gone, they are likely to swindle or steal to get money.

Money and possessions are gifts from God that are to be used in His service. The eighth commandment, “Thou shalt not steal,” reminds us that God gives humans enough resources to live on, in order to accomplish His purpose for us on earth. It is our call and duty as Christians to use those resources wisely, and not desire what is another’s.

GamblingLesli WhiteUnchristian

Is Gambling Christian

Is Gambling Unchristian is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth with a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and a concentration in print and online journalism. In college, she took a number of religious studies courses and harnessed her talent for storytelling. White has a rich faith background. Her father, a Lutheran pastor and life coach was a big influence in her faith life, helping her to see the value of sharing the message of Christ with others. She has served in the church from an early age. Some of these roles include assisting ministry, mutual ministry, worship and music ministry and church council.